#생활영어#daily Expression#빨리#real quick#
#daily English#expression#get to person#짜증나게하다#나쁜 영향을 끼치다#get to thinking#~에 대해 생각하기 시작하다#
#daily English#get to#get to place#get to it#get to the point#
#daily English#생활영어#조금 후에#곧#얼마후에#in+시간#in a few 시간#in a few minutes#hours#days#weeks#earlier#later#
#daily expression#생활영어#방금#아까#좀 전에#a few minutes ago#a few hours ago#a few seconds ago#a few days ago#
#생활영어#daily English#스트레스를 풀다#blow off some steam#let off steam#cope with#reduce#get rid of#
#생활영어#daily English#~하는 중#be on#on a diet#on my way#on vacation#on period#on the phone#
#daily expression#영어회화#추위를 타다#can't stand cold#get cold easily#sensitive to#a big fan of#
#daily English#생활영어#스트레스를 받아요#I'm stressed out#stressful situations#stress me out#
#패턴영어#pattern English#Let me know#if any changes#if anything happens#if there's anything we can do#if you have any questions#
#패턴영어#pattern English#can I take#take a rain check#take off#take a day off#take care of#
#패턴영어#Pattern English#can I get you~?#뭐를 갖다 줄까요?#Can I get you something?#What can I get you?#
#패턴영어#pattern English#can I have~#can I have coffee?#can I a ride?#can I have your name?#
#expression#생활영어#enough#that's enough#I've had enough#enough about me#more than enough#
#패턴 영어#pattern English#enough#good enough#I'm not good enough#I can't sorry enough#old enough to drink#
#daily English#word usage#enough#get enough sleep#can't get enough of it#enough is enough#can't thank you enough#
#패턴영어#pattern English#비교급#비례식표현#~할수록#the sooner the better#the more#the better#harder#greater#
#패턴영어#Pattern English#word usage#let me give you#let#business letter#advice#example#ride#hand#
#English word#usage#give#give a smile#give it a try#give a ride#
#daily English#생활영어#가을#autumn#fall#crisp#air#daily temperature gap#cool#clear#
#daily English#word usage#as/while/during#
#패턴영어#pattern English#원급#양의 차이 비교#as much money as#
#패턴영어#pattern English#원급비교#not as 원급 as#not as much as I used to#I thought it would be#
#패턴영어#pattern English#원급비교#as 원급 as#not as 원급 as#
#daily English#생활영어#warm up#show up#make up#
#생활영어#daily conversation#UP#keep up with#catch up on#catch up with#keep it up#keep up the good work#work to catch up on#
#Pattern English#패턴영어#5형식#목적격보어#명사#형용사#call#consider#make#keep#무생물주어#
#Daily expressions#get의 의미#데리고 오다#갖고 오다/가다#take#pick up#can I get you#can you get me#
#daily expressions#get 의미#get a coffee#buy#receive#understand#obtain#have#sick#get a job#
#pattern#English#문장의 5형식#목적격보어=to부정사#3형식과 5형식 비교#
#생활영어#daily#expression#go for#선호하다#prefer#choose#try#go for it#attack#let's go for a drive#
#패턴영어#pattern#5형식#사역동사#make#let#have#동사원형#get#to 부정사#수동#과거분사#
#패턴영어#pattern English#5형식#목적어#목적격보어#지각동사#~ing(현재분사)#과거분사#
#생활영어#휴가#호캉스#summer vacation#plans#take a staycation#go on vacation#be up to#
#생활영어#daily expressions#swelting#schorching#very hot#roasting#stay hydrated#sticky#sweaty#sweating like a pig#
#daily English#장마철#rainy season#monsoon#wet season#pouring#downpour#rain#hard#on and off#the whole day#soaking wet#to the skin#
#daily expression#생활영어#기운내#keep your chin up#put your best foot forward#hit the ground running#get the ball running#
#생활영어#취미#여가시간#spare time#leisure#time off#day off#enjoy#like#hobbies#for fun#
#생활영어#차에서내리다#drop me off#pull over#let me out#taxi#car#
#패턴영어#4형식#간접 목적어#직접 목적어#of#for#to#
#travel English#여행영어#on a plane#비행기에서#seat#overhead#compartment#bin#aisle#window#change#
#여행영어#airport#공항영어표현#go through#security#finall call#delay#cancel#miss#flight#belongs#
#to 부정사#분사#
#패턴영어#3형식#주어+동사+목적어#주격보어 vs. 목적어#부가적 정보 형태#시간
#여행영어#airport#공항#book a flight#layover#boarding#window#aisle#seat#prefer#upgrade#direct flight#
#여행영어#travel#ordering#restaurant#to-go box#to go#seperate bill#wrap up#heat up#working on#overcooked#undercooked#
#패턴영어#문장의형식#1형식#주어#동사#목적어#보어#there is/are#work#go to bed#rain#work out#run#walk#get up#
#여행영어#travel#restaurant#get#have#go easy on#on the side#extra spicy#hold#go with pasta#
#여행영어#restaurant#계란 주문#egg fried#sunny-side-up#over easy#over medium#over hard#poached egg#egg benedict#
#여행영어#식당#restaurant#ask for a recommendation#any suggestions#soup#dish#dressing#salad#
#생활영어#자동이체#할부#autopay#installment payments#pay in cash#by creditcard#bill#automatic payment#
#여행영어#travel#레스토랑 영어#restaurant#party#reservation#booth#patio#tap#bottled#more time#
#여행영어#Travel English#charge#credit cards#call me a taxi#a 3-pin socket#돼지코(전압변경)#borrow#charger#enjoy the stay#Uber#
#패턴영어#공손한 부탁#politely#asking a favor#I was wondering if#공손한 허락#I was wondering if I#whether#
#여행영어#travel English#at hotel#request#complain#not work#out of order#clean up#
#생활영어#그런척 하는거#be being#he's just being nice to her#being selfish#rude#shy#
#생활영어#별로요#그다지요#not really#particularly not#particulary no#특별히 없어요#normally no#not that I know of#
#여행영어#travel#hotel#expression#room#types#view#ocean#strip#wake-up call#price#deals#
#생활영어#여행영어#travel English#use#at a hotel#reservation#breakfast#special deals#check-in#check-out#
#영어회화#감기회복#병가#call in sick#recover#get over#go see a doctor#flu#got it cold from#feel better#
#생활영어#감기회복#약먹기 영어#효과가 있다#kick in#효과가 떨어지다#wear off#take medicine#stay hydrated#
#생활영어#감기증상#headache#runny nose#stuffy nose#sore throat#body aches#flu#cold#cough#fever#congested#pains#
#패턴영어#공손한제안#would you like to do#something to do#I'd love to#I'd like to#
#생활영어#비가온다#raining#heavily#a lot#raining sideways#on and off#have been raining#supposed to rain#
#생활영어#catch#잡다#이해하다#따라잡다#catch up#바쁘다#get catch up#밀린 거 하다#catch up on#
#패턴영어#as far as I know#understand#based on what I know#내가 아는 바로는#내가 알기로는#내가 이해하기론#
#영어회화#감기에걸리다#catch a cold#come down with a cold#see a doctor#get over a cold#
#패턴영어#be동사#helping verb#auxiliary verb#조동사역할#진행형#수동태#
#생활영어#성격묻기#긍정적인 성격#outgoing#energetic#easy-going#laid-back#hard-working#somewhat#totally#
#패턴영어#BE동사#linking verbs#형용사#연결동사#보어#subject complement#상태동사#
#영어회화#약속취소#cancel#can't make it#get off track#삼천포로 빠지다#personal reasons#something came up#
#영어회화#약속미루기#약속변경#take a rain check#reschedule#push back#move up#rain check#
#영어회화#이해하고 있는거죠?#understand#get#see#clear#make any senses to you#with you#know#follow#
#영어회화#인맥쌓기#networking#build connections#make#relationships#personal#connections#
#영어회화#정말 바빠요#be tied up#I'm swamped#hectic#
#영어회화#바빠요#벅차요#have#got#a lot on one's plate#slammed#overwhelmed#
#영어회화#일교차가 크다#fluctuate#daily temperature gap#temperature difference#temperature range#
#영어회화#work의 다양한 표현#일하다#작동하다#효과가있다#일#working on#hard-working#
#영어회화#가이괜찮아요?#relationship#are we good?#괜찮아요#You're good#저는 됐어요#I'm good#
#영어회화#구어체#정말 원하고 필요해요#could use#could really use#could use a drink#could use coffee#
#영어회화#동의해요#I'm down#Are you down for it?#I'm down with that#Are you up for it?#~할 기분이니?#
#영어회화#누워서 떡먹기#easy as pie#a piece of cake#a breeze#a snap#a cinch#It's not rocket sicence#nothing#no sweat#
#영어회화#부사#definitely#당연하다#certainly#물론이다#certainly not#아니다#apparently#듣기로는#했나보다#supposedly#
#영어회화#부사#exactly#내 말이#literally#정말로#absolutely#당연하지#absolutely not#당연히 안 되지#
#영어회화#익숙하다#경험이 많다#be used to#지식이 없다/있다#익숙하다#be familiar with#
#영어회화#들르다#drop by#stop by#drop in#swing by#잠깐들르다#
#영어회화#쉬워요#easy as pie#a piece of cake#snap#cinch#breeze#not rocket science#no sweat#nothing#child's play#
#영어회화#월차#반차#휴가#take a day off#have a day off#I'm off#off-day#
#영어회화#look over#훑어보다#go over#꼼꼼하게 살피다#touch up#수정하다#
#영어회화#술#한잔할까?#get a drink#have#grab a drink#go for a drink#social drinker#
#영어회화#보상하다#만회하다#it's make it up to you#make it up to#make up for#
#영어회화#비즈니스영어#put together#만들다#준비하다#조립하다#합하다#
#영어회화#집순이#집돌이#homebody#사교적인 사람#people person#긴장풀다#쉬다#chill out#wind down#
#영어회화#땡긴다#crave#have a craving for#in the mood for#dying for#want#feel like#
#패턴영어#현재완료#have been to#have gone to#갔다와서 여기있다#가서 여기 없다#been#gone#
#영어회화#must#강한 추측#~임에 틀림없다#~이겠다#공감능력#must be hungry#must be tired#~인가보다#must be#must be joking#
#영어회화#불가능한#out of the question#impossible#논의할 가치가 없다#not up for debate#discussion#
#영어회화#비즈니스 이메일 안부인사#business email greeting#greeting#professional#at work#time-sensitive#
#현재완료#have+pp#경험#experience#never#ever#before#once#twice#have been to#
#영어회화#저는 괜찮아요#I don't mind#never mind#NVM#doesn't matter#don't care#
#영어회화#It doesn't matter#mind#상관없다#matter#it matters to me#
#영어회화#I don't care#negative#cool#nice#either#one#okay#
#패턴영어#현재완료#현재완료와 과거의 차이#현재완료 계속#since#for#how long#has/have+pp#
#영어회화#고양이 좋아하는 사람#cat-person#취향#dog-person#people person#moning person#night#beach person#mountain#coffee#
#영어회화#주말계획묻기#any plans#weekend#up to#what#
#영어회화#get+pp#get#get married#stuck#caught#promoted#hired#red-handed#
#영어회화#내가 알기론#as far as I know#as far as I'm concerned#remember#understand#can tell#
#영어회화#daily expressions#work out#solve#exercise#calculate#develop#
#패턴영어#make sure#꼭~해야돼요#want to make sure you're okay#
#영어회화#기분이 안 좋다#in a bad mood#be in a mood#I'm down#blue#cranky#
#영어회화#의욕상실#할 기분이 아니다#don't feel like#I don't feel like it#I'm not feeling it#I'm not in the mood#mood
#영어회화#몸이 아파요#컨디션#sick#don't feel well#feel under the weather#come down with#something#feel good#
#눈내리는 카피에서 보기#watching the snow falling#calm#peaceful#relaxing#calm vibes#slow down#
#영어회화#멍때리기 영어로#space out#zoom out#daydream#정신차려#snap out of it#wake up#hello#are you with me#anybody home#
#영어회화#영어표현#make an appointment#have an appointment#arrange#plans#make plans#have a plan#reservation#make plans#예약#
#영어회화#Expressions#reservation#reserve#make a reservation#flight#hotel#restaurant#reserve a table for two#
#영어회화#패턴영어#호텔에서 스몰토크#what's good here#you can't go wrong with#save#have you ever been here#in here#
#영어회화#패턴영어#감사하기#괜찮아요#you're welcome#no problems#my pleasrue#no sweat#you got it#don't mention it#any time#no worries#
#영어회화#패턴영어#thank you#고맙다 영어로#lifesaver#I owe you#appreciate#grateful#sweet of you#
#영어회화#영어표현#수고했어#casual thank you#take it easy#take care#see you tomorrow#must#had a long day#
#영어회화#영어표현#수고하셨습니다#격식있는 표현#Keep up the good work#Thank you for all your hard work#go to the trouble#take the trouble#long day#
#영어회화#영어표현#눈치#눈치채다#take a hint#눈치보다#read the people#read the room#hint#walking#on#eggshells#
#영어회화#영어표현#though#thanks though#어쨌거나#anyway#serious though#really though#근데#그런데#but#
#영어회화#영어표현#사다#pick up some coffee#데리러오다#pick me up#전화받다#pick up the phone#
#영어표현#영어회화#꿍꿍이#속셈#what is the catch?#catch#세상에 공짜는 없다#
#영어회화#영어표현#네플릭스 몰아보기#binge watch#binge eating#eating disorder#netflix#
#영어회화#영어표현#나간 김에#while you're out#거기 간 김에#while you're at it#사다#pick up#
#영어회화#영어표현#월요병 영어로#월요병#Monday blues#have a case of the Mondays#beat Monday blues#
#영어패턴#패턴영어#관련있다#관련없다#have something to do with#have nothing to do with#have a lot to do with#
#영어회화#영어표현#응원하기#getting there#almost there#hang in there#keep it up#
#영어회화#영어표현#안부묻기#오랫만에 만난 친구#long time no see#been a while#how have you been#
#영어회화#영어표현#안부묻기#How are you?#How's it going?#pretty good#What's up?#Not much#how about you?#
#영어표현#영어회화#밥먹기질문#안부#go out for dinner#go out to dinner#what do you want to have#you must be hungry#aren't you hungry?#
#영어표현#영어회화#rhetorical question#who cares?#who knows?#sarcasm#영어로 비꼬기#are you serious?#
#영어표현#영어회화#rhetorical question#who cares?#why me?#are you kidding?#
#영어회화#영어표현#여유#여지#공간#room#room for dessert#room for cream#room for improvement#
#영어회화#영어표현#fresh air#get fresh air#get some#get some sleep#get enough sleep#why don't you#
#영어표현#American culture#American dessert#미국디저트#apple pie#pumpkin pie#lemon merigue pie#as easy as pie#
#영어회화#영어표현#keep#leave#두다#놓다#leave me alone#내버려둬#leave the TV on#keep the window open#leave the door open#
#영어회화#영어추위표현#freezing#체감온도 영어로#wind chill#layers#여러겹 껴입기#biting cold#
#영어표현#영어회화#거의 ~할뻔 하다#barely#almost#make it#
#영어회화#영어표현#Catch up soon#밀린 이야기를 나누다#catch up on#밀린 일을 처리하다#catch up on sleep# 밀린잠을 자다#
#영어회화#영어표현#추운날씨영어로#내복#long johns#bundle up#biting cold#bone-chilling#icy cold#엄동설한#dead of winter#freezing#
#어학#영어표현#It's your call#It's up to you.#It depends on you.#네가 결정해#결정장애#결정권#
#영어회화#order steak#스테이크 영어로 주문하기#rare#medium#medium-well#well-done#order drink#starter#
#영어회화#영어표현#run out of#다 떨어지다#바닥나다#아이디어가 떨어지다#be out of#running out of 떨어지고 있다#
#어학#영어회화#영어회화패턴#get to#기회가 있다#get to travel#didn't get to go to the party#
#어학#영어회화#영어표현#잠에 대한 영어표현#잠 영어#sleep in#take a nap#lose sleep over something*get some sleep* get more sleep*get sleep#
#외국어#영어표현#영어회화#추위표현*아주 춥다#nippy#very cold#chilly#cold weather#nip in the air#biting cold#bitter#bundle up#I'm bundled up#frosty#
#어학#외국어#영어단어표현#recognize#notice#realize#word usage#알아채다#구별하다#알아보다#깨닫다#
#외국어#영어회화#회화표현#패턴영어#학습속도#학습이해속도#쉐도잉#영어회화를 잘 할 수 있는 방법#큰소리로 따라 읽기#
#어학#영어회화표현#영어회화#월드컵#worldcup#advanced to the 16th#16강에 진출하다 영어로#손흥민#espn#
#외국어#어학#영어표현#성공해냈어#해냈어#made it#I did it#성공했어#영어 회화 표현#
#어학#영어회화#영어회화표현#시간내에도착할수있다#시간 안에 도착할 수 없다#시간 안에 도착할 수 없다#약속을 못 지킨다#I can't make it#I can make it#
#어학#외국어#영어회화#영어회화표현#코 앞에 다가왔다#곧#just around the corner#다 왔다#
#어학#영어표현#영어회화#시간이있다#시간을 낼 수 있다#시간을 낼 수 없다#시간이 없다#I can't make it#make it#canmakeit
#어학#영어표현#미국문화#미국음식#피넛버터&잼 샌드위치#Peanut butter & Jam Sandwich#PB&J#미국간식#
#authentic happiness